The currency that rules survival

The chakras can illuminate how we feel as we interact within the world. The Root Chakra which is located at the base of the spine, relates to our feelings of trust and safety. Its characteristics include:

  • Survival in this earthly world
  • Physical identity and our sense of self
  • Our need for support and our interactions with those support systems
  • Our basic needs from food and shelter through to self preservation.

The Root Chakra is associated with the colour red. It keeps us grounded and, if it is balanced, living hopefully without fear in this world.

One of the characteristics associated with this chakra that is particularly compelling for me is its association with money. Afterall, money is the currency of our safety in this world; if we have enough, we feel safe. If we don’t have enough to pay our bills then feelings of financial insecurity dominate.

In tarot, the 4 of Pentacles is associated with this feeling of insecurity. This card will often come up when someone has been raised with not enough, or is undergoing financial difficulty, or is depending on someone else (a partner or family member) for help with the cost of living.

In my tarot chakra readings I can get a glimpse of the possible issues as they relate to the various chakras. The tarot can indicate the strengths and the weaknesses, combined with the focal point of a particular chakra. For example a 4 of Pentacles in the Root Chakra position indicates to me an insecurity or lack of trust in the world. The Ace of Swords appearing, or aligned with the Throat Chakra which focuses on communication, is indicative of someone who speaks their truth. A Queen of Cups (stability and support) in the Heart Chakra (love) can indicate a nurturer and a healer. Or alternatively the need for support.


Tarot provides insights and reflection and can be used to glean information in much the same way as psychic Reiki can. The chakras are the portals through which energy flows through our subtle or energetic body. Our health can be impacted by the vulnerabilities or weaknesses in these focal points. Insight through the tarot can identify potential blockages and ways forward.

Everything is energy, one way or another. Tarot can identify these unseen energetic influences that might be holding us back or, alternatively, those strengths we may not even be aware we hold within our energetic patterns.