
Years ago when I was travelling back and forth on my daily commute to Canberra, past the infamous and mysterious Lake George, I had what can only be described as an ‘out of body’ experience. As I drove past the steep craigs and thick Australian bush, I ‘heard’ or felt the sound of a deep beat. It wasn’t perceived with my ears…rather my whole being. It was what I can only describe as the sound of the earth itself.

Lake George is an anomaly in Australia. It doesn’t have a known water source and is an endorheic lake (a drainage basin that retains water and has no outflow). Water seems to appear during the rainy season and recede during the successive hot weeks and months. I’ve seen it almost bone dry, and full enough to lap the edges of the highway. This day was clear with blue skies and sun. It felt like I was driving into a haze with a pulsating, ever-present, earthly beat. I shook myself out of this state, as I was driving. A little unnerved, I continued on my way to work. I never forgot that day.

Around that time, I had a dream I will also never forget. I was at Lake George and alongside me walked an Aboriginal Elder. He showed me a landscape that was destroyed, but in the distance, beyond the blackened and broken trees, was the lake. He pointed me to it, and I understood I was to cross that barren ground by myself and that, one day, I’d reach the water. I became aware that there would be trials to undergo, but that reaching the water was the goal.

As with most things that come from these rich esoteric realms, it takes time, and experience, to understand their meaning. After that dream and my experience at Lake George, I lost my dad, my mum and my sister, and I went through cancer surgery, chemotherapy and radiation – all within years of one another. Life dealt me huge blows and the opportunity to grasp hope and have faith that the lessons would reveal to me a sanctuary of understanding and wisdom.

We’ve all been in this place, and we’ve all had to climb out of it, stronger than before.

I wrote about my dream at the time. I know that place the Aboriginal Elder pointed to was a metaphor for coming back to my heart, changed yet renewed. In hindsight, the dream and the subsequent poem were prophetic.

Water giver

One day I remembered, what I was supposed to do.
I thought of the ground I had walked on,

This earth; this lifetime,
Across green fields, and dust, and fire,
Always towards the lake’s edge. To the water.

I walked beside a guide on my journey.
I didn’t look into his eyes; I feared that.

This Shaman.
I remember he pointed to the water,
A million miles away, across alien landscape,
Barren and destroyed by…I’m not sure.

I only knew I had to cross that wasteland,
With its dead trees and murky shadows,
To get to the water, for whatever his reason,
For pointing to it, as if I knew.

I remember now that water nourishes,
And quenches thirst. 

It carries things away,
Like words and thoughts, and experiences,

And leaves something new, and clear.

I crossed that barren land…like he said,
To find myself, and now to write these words.


  1. A heartfelt thank you for this. It is perfect timing for me to read this.🫰🏽HOPE.

  2. I felt every step and, realized that we each must take these steps. What we each must face may be different but, we all will take the journey. Thank you so much for sharing yours.

  3. Beautiful. Your story is rich with wisdom and poignancy. Thank you for sharing your experience.

  4. Your story brings up my own feelings at this stage of my life. I’m 83 years old, just lost my partner and am lost. I always saw myself as an independent person, enjoyed my alone time and my freedom. Worked as a secretary, later as a medical transcriptionist for hospitals. Now, retired, and my partner gone, I don’t know where I belong. My daughter and granddaughter live in a 2-bedroom cottage, perfect for them and their many animals. I simply don’t fit. My challenge is where do I belong? I feel lonely and sad.

    1. You are loved
      and cared for.
      Answers will come
      from within.
      You are connected.

      1. Thank you for sharing this. Blessings to you from here in faraway Maine.

    2. Raquel, the wound of what you have said is far too open and fresh for anyone’s words to have much of an impact at the moment however, I cannot, not reply.

      You wrote, “I always saw myself as an independent person, enjoyed my alone time and my freedom”, you are still that same person and you have no idea how powerful those words are to help you glide through your future. Those words hold the powerful energy for the next stage in your evolution. Please believe in them as they are evidence that you have FAITH-consiousness, that you are witnessed.

      I’m not going to write much more as this is a journey that you will be guided along even when you have moments of despair as illustrated by your Comment. It’s important to express how you feel and to perhaps begin each day with something that you are grateful for and focus on that as you journey through each 24 hours.

      Remember ALL your loved ones that have transitioned are watching over you, they can hear you and feel you. They are still an energy part of your day.

      Much love, Gloria

  5. You’re an amazing and deeply inspiring writer Maryann. Thanks for sharing.

  6. When the message needs to be heard, the messenger comes. Thank you for this.

  7. Wonderful, moving, extraordinary. And you are a poet. And you are very brave. I lost my youngest sister, my mother, and both my 20 yr old cats, my dog, left a 16yr relationship, went to 4 friends funerals, and now another sister has stage 4 cancer, all this in just 4 and a half years…..I don’t know sometimes how we all do it, how we all keep going. I hope if your Aborigine ever comes back to point the way to you again, it is across lush green fields filled with wildflowers, rainbows in the sky, and and a gentle breeze blowing on your cheek….happy travels! 💖

  8. Just such a lovely message. I have had some very profound and meaningful experiences too.. They came as premonitions, visions, and dreams. I wish, you lived nearby and that we could meet for talks. But, it is wonderful to listen to your videos and to read your messages. Thank you for these gifts!

  9. What a beautiful, beautiful experience. Thankyou so much for sharing this Maryanne.

  10. Thank you for another insight. Very beautifully described. Namaste.

  11. Thank you so very much for your beautiful words Marianne, telling your personal courageous story inspired and guided by your dream. Deeply grateful, Philomene

  12. Thanks for this excellent, thrilling poem, Maryann! A deep gift! I’m so glad you made that difficult journey. Your courage has blessed us.

  13. you are walking in light all I can say is please keep walking aroha from NZ

  14. So deep, so moving and so inspiring. Simply beautiful. Thank you for your courage and strength and for sharing this with us all x

  15. You always bring a smile to my face, but more importantly to my heart. I think I, like many others, feel like we are with family when we see your posts. I had two major losses last year, and what started out as a large Italian family is now down to just my sister and me. So any additional “family” is welcome. Thank you Maryann.

  16. How beautiful, this metaphor for life. And, of course, it ‘hit’ a cord for me. ‘Growth’ is what life is about.

  17. Maryann, I’ve never written a comment on your YouTube podcast (not because I haven’t loved it, but because I tend to stay private the social networking arena). I woke up much earlier than usual this morning, grabbed a coffee, and sat down to work. But first, I came across this post. It connected with me, in my current experience of life, so thoroughly that I am quite sure I was guided to read it in this very moment. Thank you for writing and sharing this profound remembering – it is a message from the spirit world for us as individuals and the collective. Thank you for your steady presence in the pretty crazy world of social media. Thank you for being a conduit for wisdoms that most of us don’t access so readily or easily. Sending love to you and your growing family. A grandson – how wonderful! My first grandchild (a boy) is now 2. What a joy it is to be able to be in the presence of one’s children’s children – I think they’re a direct conduit to universal love. Sending you joy as well ❤️

  18. its 6:30 am sunday morning here in new york. I just woke up and spirit had me click on this poem. As my tears are running down my cheeks I want to thank you for giving me this at a time when I really needed it.I hate how fear and loss can stop you in your tracks even when you know better. you’re my sister from another mother and I love you. Thank you

  19. Thank you so much for sharing this amazing poem. Sending you love and hopes for a calm and peaceful World x

  20. I feel it’s holiness and am reminded of that deep space of truth and knowingness in my own heart!! Thank you MaryAnn for such a beautiful post!!!🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼♥️♥️

  21. Beautiful. R3allyand truly this was what I was supposed read then ponder. I was at my wits end thinking I just can’t go on. I read. I thought. Yes I will make it somehow. I do have it in me to go on. Thank you this was my sigh to look forward and carry on.

  22. Very profound. I proud that you took those steps. You gave up what you believed in to transform into what you are now., a stronger, braver, intuitive you! And now you thank your ancestors as all warriors do. A’ ho

  23. Absolutely lovely. What a moving tribute to the wisdom of our higher self and the strength that you have to face so many painful moments in life. Well done, MaryAnn. Moving, inspiring…just lovely.

  24. So Powerful !! As always, the poignancy of your woods and validation of the worlds that we must cling to, climb thru. Blessings

  25. A wonderful collective message for me to also receive personally at a profound moment in time. Thank you with all my heart Maryann with love filled Green and nourished pathways 💚 🙏🌹

  26. Thank you for this beautiful story of your journey through life! Each of us is, and or has been, suffering on our own cross, in one way or another! The suffering is unique unto each of us! I strongly believe in the Buddhist beliefs of suffering! They are necessary for our expansion! My heart goes out to you Maryann, for I know you are a sensitive soul, like myself, and these tragedies would have had a great affect on you! You have had your husband by your side, thank goodness, to bring you strength, solace, and loving companionship! I am very blessed, when my parents passed away, I was so happy for them, to be leaving their worn out bodies behind! It was a celebration of life’s well lived! Peace, Love, and Light! Thomas!

  27. Beautifully said Maryann. Your purpose here on earth is clear to us who have benefited greatly from your messages from Spirit. Cancer and devastating loss could not beat you. As you always point out…the light always beats the darkness every time…your purpose is our blessing.

  28. Thank you for sharing this. It comes at the right time for me as I’m encountering the multiple deaths of family members and my own health now suddenly taking a turn. One thing I’ve gotten from your post is to note the landscape, look at it, and keep walking towards the water. “This, too, shall pass.” Sometimes I don’t see the landscape because I’m too much inside myself riding the rollercoaster, and reeling, being whipped around, from the emotions of what’s happening. Your post/poem has a calmness to it. To look around, to see, to look beyond. Again, thank you.

  29. Thank you Maryann. For sharing your journey. Your words have given me food for thought and hope.

  30. After reading your beautifully written post and poem, I am almost breathless. Your words bring life and promise of surviving loss of those we love as well as medical difficulties. Your dream is narrated like an ancient sermon of the elders. My eye are opening. Thank you, Maryann! Happy baby!

  31. Blessings for sharing such a transcendent experience. You crossed the bridge without knowing there was a landing. At that point I suppose, what do have to lose….so follow your heart. You give me constant assurance that all will be well…and better.

  32. Gracias MaryAnn, I can’t tell you how much your experience and your words touched my soul. We are kindred in tragedy, but also in knowing how very blessed we are. Much love, light and blessings, mi bella amiga 🙂

  33. Thank you, Maryann, for this powerful story. The tempo of the Earth matches my heart, I think, and it’s a gift that strengthens my spirit I see that it works for you too. May you continue to heal. Much love, Kaaren

  34. Thank you, Marianne, for sharing your story, dream and poem all very powerful and heartfelt. I have a deep connection to Lake Tahoe that’s close to where I live in Nevada. I’ve been drawn to the sacred energy and beauty of this Lake since I was a very young child. Thanks again for sharing. Sending you Love, Hugs & Blessings.

  35. Beautiful and timely. Thank you so much for sharing, Maryann. Your experience, your poem, and the timing of your sharing are eerily profound for me just now as I find myself re-membering a deeper identity. With this comes the call to action and honouring that deeper truth and purpose.
    Bless you for your voice and the call to awaken.

  36. I also lost my mom, sister and father within 14 months. I also became extremely sick with arterial inflammation. Through divine help I was taught to heal myself. Im still on this healing path. Thank you for your memory message. Love & Blessings.

  37. Beautiful! I had a similar life experience minus the nice dream, and here we are

  38. What a profound experience. I am honored that you shared such a personal
    vision. I, too, have suffered so many loses, parents an only sibling and recently my husband of 56 years. Yet here I am finding strength somehow, and continuing on the rest of my life’s journey. Thank you Maryann for sharing your talents and your dreams with your subscriber family. Blessings.

  39. Thank you Maryann for beautiful things to arrest our attention, to take over our consciousness and move us to new places in unexpected ways. We are blessed with your knowledge and beauty you share. Love and Blessings to you today and always. 🥰😇

  40. Wow! This brought tears to my eyes as I am going through so many challenges right now. Thanks for the reassuring words. I am not alone.

  41. The poem brought tears to my eyes, for truly I understand the search for hope. You, dear one, found it.
    You are so very special. We need your wisdom and guidance. It is hrough you the elders speak!

  42. This writing leaves me covers with goosebumps and quietly weeping inside. Yesterday, April 18, was the 5th anniversary of the day my sons were told I probably would pass. I am resilient, and obviously still alive. Physical recovery has been slow but the wealth my spirit has received in return for this enforced statis is priceless. You write beautifully. Your memories and words shared reminded me in stillness my time has not been wasted. Thank you, as always, for all you share. My soul is peaceful tonight. Kim

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