What’s beyond this physical life?

Most of us can go through life not giving much thought to our mortality. We’re obsessed with the obvious; our career, our relationships, our finances and sometimes the petty squabbles that we allow to bleed through and disrupt our equilibrium. What comes next after this life is something we leave til the last minute. And who can blame us? We like to think we’re immortal, that we will go on forever and so when illness or the unexpected comes along, we are floored.

Yet death is inevitable.

There is a Latin funerary inscription I came across recently while visiting a touring exhibition on the Roman Empire, at the National Museum of Australia. I was taken so much with it that I photographed it on my iphone:

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What stood out for me was “…For death is the nature, not the punishment of humankind.” When I think about that, it makes sense; it’s in our nature to die a physical death but does our spirit continue? Everything that I’ve experienced through clairvoyance and mediumship tell me that there is life beyond an earthly existence. Whether we believe that or not, depends on faith. I don’t mean faith in a religious sense but faith in the unseen, what is not apparent but is nevertheless real.

There are many scientific studies on life after death…if you need the proof. Scientists have recently been revising 20 year old theories on consciousness, concluding that: “The quantum information within the micro-tubules is not destroyed, it can’t be destroyed, and it just distributes and dissipates to the universe at large….it’s possible that this quantum information [stores in can exist outside the body, perhaps indefinitely, as a soul.” You can read more about this study here.

From a metaphysical point of view, there are ways we can tune into what is known as the ‘Afterlife’. We can do this through the Clairs…clairvoyance and clairaudience for example, and we can do this through mediumship…all abilities that human beings can access, sometimes automatically and, at other times, with training. It would surprise you just how common seeing a loved one after they pass can be…certainly it’s been common for me and for nearly all the people I know.

But at the end of the day, it’s a matter of belief and, as we know, beliefs can be as hard as concrete or as fickle as inattention. However, if you put your attention on the spiritual, on noticing the truly magical that is around you, you begin to actually see the signs and the flow of all things. And if your brain tends towards the sciences examine one thing…the nature of energy. Energy is real. It can be felt, and there’s no reason to think our energy does not continue after our physical bodies die.

You can visit my YouTube channel, or visit my Patreon site where you’ll find an overlay of the spiritual, of the energetic and of the humanistic.



  1. Thank you, Maryann. My belief is that literally nothing is ever wasted. A very organic sort of belief that we are all part and parcel of a continually growing and evolving organism we call “being.” Nothing is wasted, everything is used. This is my concept of God, I suppose, although I worship in an Episcopal church. I always think of a line from Dylan Thomas:
    ” the force that through the green fuse drives the flower, drives me. “

    1. The saying from Dylan Thomas is one I’ve been quoting since 1980s and one that has particular meaning to me, so seeing you quote it…what are the odds? Thankyou formyour comment.

  2. I’ve always felt guilty about not being present when my mother passed. I was at her bedside while she was going through the physical part of passing, but I began to feel faint and lay down for a moment and woke up 40 minutes later, and she had passed. Thank you for your reading, and sharing your own experience. 💙

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